We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Unlimited + 7
  • Unlimited Meals per semester
  • $250 Bear Bucks
  • 7 Meal Exchanges per week
  • Unlimited meals/week in Cromer Dining Hall
  • 7 Meal Exchanges/week at Joe's Coffee and Chick-fil-A. Meal Exchange typically includes an entrée, side, and a drink.
  • $250 Bear Bucks / semester
*To upgrade to this plan please visit the Dining Services Office in Cromer Dining Hall or call 828-328-7144.Your Meal Plan can be changed during the first two weeks of each semester.

Bear Bucks (included with your meal plan) roll over from fall to spring, but expire at the end of each academic year. Bear Bucks are non-refundable.